Published: 10:46 AM 2/27/2013
By Diane Tessman
Is there a dark matter realm around Earth which is of a lighter, sparser
molecular density than the Earth we know? Is there a dark plasma ocean
full of life which interacts differently with the forces of gravity and
light than we do?
The reason I am thrilled by the potential truth that Earth’s dark halo
is home to another entire world of consciousness and therefore to life
itself, is that here is the full realization of Science and Spirit not
contradicting each other but instead coming together to form a larger
truth which offers a vastly greater perception of reality itself!
Science and Spirit have been in a supposed war since humankind began
on Planet Earth. In fact, this is an imaginary war propagated by both
silly scientists and silly religionists. When humankind can truly
perceive that Science and Spirit together form Truth and therefore,
Reality itself – then humankind will have evolved a step forward!
For centuries, spiritual teachings have taught that angels are of a
realm which is lighter in density; for millennia, metaphysics has
proclaimed that ghosts are vaporous and plasma-like as they pass through
walls and otherwise defy gravity.
Phantom plasma ghost-lights glow on the road ahead, and then
dematerialize. Some UFOs seem not to be nuts and bolts craft but rather
colorful, brightly illuminated plasma which can zap physical objects
from one polar magnetic charge to the opposite polar charge.
I remember a case I investigated in San Diego in the early 1980s:
the car involved in a UFO close encounter possessed the opposite
magnetic charge than before the encounter. Radios, cell phones, cameras,
are often useless near UFOs as if these craft carry an electromagnetic
energy which is alien to our technical devices and to Earth itself.
For centuries, the Qu-ran has spoken of “jinns” who are said by Islamic
scholars to be life-forms with transparent, shape-shifting bodies.
Science agrees as we read about Trevor Constable’s plasma-based “sky
creatures” who are amazingly similar to Islam’s jinns and might be the
same phenomenon.
There is no reason for intelligent, enlightened humans to fear or
hate jinns which are sometimes painted as evil phantom humanoids by
modern UFO writers in an effort to make them kindred to demons.
Jinns probably originate in the dark plasma biosphere of
Other-Earth; in fact, it is believed Other-Earth has a huge diversity of
life-forms just as Visible Earth (our Earth) does. All life-forms of
Other-Earth can be considered “ultra-terrestrials.”
some ultra-terrestrials human-like or at least, can they shape-shift
into a human form? The Greek and Roman gods would appear as human, then
shape-shift to a huge size before the eyes of bewildered humans and then
ride away in a glowing chariot through the atmosphere. Deities of other
cultures such as Hindu avatars seemed not affected by the physical laws
we know.
Our myths are full of entities which seem to be lighter than air,
capable of shifting shape, and who sometimes glow and dematerialize.
Angels, both Christian and generic, first appear as glowing balls of
what is probably plasma, and then take form so as the human observer can
recognize them as an angel or even Jesus or Mother Mary.
Spirituality has taught that individual humans can have unseen life-long
companions, perhaps guardians from a place which is invisible to us
except through our mind/spirit abilities, such as sending and receiving
thoughts and sensing a “presence.” Before the science-oriented readers
stop reading this article at this spot, I’ll just say that I strive to
stay true to theoretical quantum physics and theories about dark matter.
The phenomenon which keeps happening as I write this is that Science
and Spirit can’t help but be the combined “voice.”
Suffice to say that the dark plasma halo is not only all around Earth,
but through Earth, and through us. We all have dark matter in us,
according to quantum theorists. To have actual awareness (consciousness)
dark matter probably has to be in the form of clumps; lone molecules of
dark matter probably do not have consciousness, just as one of our
molecules is not intelligent.
It seems that the invisible teachers I had as a child, whom I called
The Remembers, could have been of “dark” Other Earth. It also seems
that guardian angels and spirit guides could actually exist even in
Science’s new viewpoint. Perhaps the invisible beings that offer
spiritual friendship and occasionally help individual humans might
actually exist in quantum and spiritual terms.
Metaphysics, spirituality and even religion have experienced this
“contact from beyond” for centuries but it has not been the domain of
science – definitely not science! Now, the most advanced quantum
theories with backup data and math, tell us there is an enormous “dark
halo” around Earth. This halo is as large as the gas giant, Planet
This domain is of sparser density than our Earth and interacts with
gravity differently. While our Earth contains plasma, Other Earth
contains dark plasma – it is a world of matter like our world, but it is
dark matter. We simply cannot see it.
Dark energy and its counterpart dark matter (which is often in the form
of dark plasma), have been presented by theoretical quantum physicists
as invisible components of the universe because nothing else explains so
many mysteries. Dark energy apparently fills 72% of universal space,
while dark matter fills 23% of the universe. There are all sorts of
evidence and indications that both these mysterious components do exist,
but the ultimate proof remains elusive.
If you prefer another theory, so be it. It is not my objective here
to fully explain both dark energy and dark plasma in detail or convince
you that they exist. If you are interested in these subjects, I am sure
you have read up on dark energy and dark matter/plasma on science sites
or heard about them on PBS’s NOVA, or perhaps you have watched “Through
the Wormhole” with Morgan Freeman, the excellent science speculation
series. In this article, I am suggesting “what if?”
I do not think dark plasma explains all UFO occupants; I feel there are
travelers in time and travelers of space from far-distant planets who
are not of a plasma domain, but are simply very advanced physical
beings. I feel this explanation of dark plasma accounts for only some
Again I wish to thank Jay Alfred for his extensive research on this
subject; I refer to it often when writing these articles. His website
The basics of what I am proposing here are in my first article on dark
plasma so I won’t try to rehash it in Part Two but rather move forward.
If confused, perhaps if you read that article, it will hopefully help
with this one.
A substantial amount of dark matter is composed of (dark) plasma and
radiates dark light. Because dark photons (dark light) are emitted from
dark plasma, it gives rise to dark electromagnetism. While the plasma in
our world is hot and short-lived, scientists speculate that since dark
plasma has less density, it can remain in the plasma state even at room
temperature for long periods of time.
Dark electromagnetism might be the key to how Other-Earth beings
communicate with each other and with us: It amounts to what we call
Might our subconscious dream mind be able to receive messages from dark
electromagnetics? Our minds (brains) function on EM circuitry; possibly
advanced beings can convert dark EM energy to EM energy or perhaps our
minds simply have this “receptor.” We do have dark plasma within us.
Again, I stress that “dark” does not mean evil! “Dark” as quantum
theorists use it, only means invisible-to-us.
The dream-state has long been a mystical realm where we sometimes
receive spiritual or practical information which is wise and helpful.
The dream-state offers spiritual experiences which help people advance
emotionally in their lives. And, in the dream-state, we can fly, we can
shape-shift, we can have adventures entirely unlike our waking lives. We
experience different realities in dreams which seem like bubbles in
time – so real – and then gone.
In dreams, we seem to be consciousness itself, not chained by
gravity nor molecular density.
I feel that some of our dreams (the more mystical ones), might connect
to dark matter experience. Our dream-state might be a door to the dark
halo realm.
Might this Other-Earth have been entertaining us, frightening us,
educating us, even ruling us, for eons with its ability to appear as our
deities, ghosts, jinns, space beings, UFOs, and more?
There are many examples in human folklore, religious texts, and
mythology which could be credited to plasma beings and phenomena.
Consider Moses and the burning bush described as a “fire without smoke”
apparently glowing like a neon light. Bright glowing doves appeared
during the baptism of Jesus and the Pentecost event. More recently,
Marian events such as the Fatima manifestations displayed plasma
characteristics, beginning as glowing orbs and morphing into angelic or
“Mother Mary” form.
you might be asking, why is this dark plasma? The above describes
ordinary plasma phenomena – plasma from our bio-sphere. How can dark
plasma intelligence become our ordinary glowing plasma? There is a
proposed “Dark Ionization Process” which Jay Alfred details. This “DIP”
process happens when dark plasma collides/interacts with standard
particles through nuclear and electron recoils.
Mr. Alfred states, “Dark plasma life-forms radiate dark
electromagnetic waves. Particles of dark plasma usually pass through
particles of ordinary plasma but if these two collide (or are forced to
collide), through nuclear and electron recoils, they generate light,
heat, and electrical phenomena that can be detected intermittently.
This is the proposed natural explanation of why UAPs (unidentified
aerial phenomena), composed of glowing plasma, occur. If they are “made
to collide,” then it would be a technical process by intelligent beings
unless a lightning storm or similar natural phenomena can cause this
How many times have glowing UFOs been spotted during an electrical
storm? How many times have UFOs hovered over electric wires, power
plants and transformers? How often have brilliantly glowing UFOs
appeared in the wink of an eye and then winked out of existence just as
It could be that dark bio-plasma ultra-terrestrials within the halo of
Other-Earth have evolved more quickly than we ordinary bio-plasma
entities, simply because they have no dense barriers and fewer chains of
gravity to overcome. If that is true, we can assume that
ultra-terrestrials have the collision-formula to transform dark plasma
into our ordinary plasma.
In other words, an ultra-terrestrial has not had the barriers of
needing food, needing shelter, needing a job, avoiding illness and
injury, in order to evolve in intelligence throughout the cosmic eons.
It simply has existed and developed – advanced invisible intelligence.
And, it might well be shape-shifting intelligence if it wishes to
interact with Visible Earth through a morphing process of colliding,
thus transforming, dark plasma into visible plasma for a limited period.
Again, thinking of our own dream-state helps us understand how it might
be in the ultra-terrestrial state of being.
But, isn’t ordinary plasma terribly hot? Possibly the intelligence from
Other-Earth is not hurt by extreme heat as we are with our dense
physical bodies.
Is this science fiction? Look at numerous UFO reports which tell of UFOs
performing incredible maneuvers as if gravity does not exist. It is
fact that such maneuvers would kill dense molecular beings like
ourselves, squashing us against the cockpit. If Other-Earth beings are
nearly pure consciousness (perhaps globs in the dark plasma “ocean” in
their native form), they cannot be hurt or killed as easily we can be.
That dark plasma surrounds rocky-core Earth is solid quantum theory and
as near-fact as quantum physics seems to be able to achieve. Jupiter’s
gaseous clouds make Jupiter seem huge; in fact, rocky solid Jupiter is
as small as rocky, solid Earth. Earth’s dark matter halo is about as big
as the gaseous part of Jupiter. If you were an alien on a far-distant
planet who had equipment to see dark matter, you would stand on your
planet gazing at Earth through your telescope and see Earth as about the
same size as Jupiter. Earth is composed of its dark plasma halo (Other
Earth), and small rocky Earth (the visible Earth we know).
Is there consciousness within the huge dark halo of Earth? How
intelligent are these ultra-terrestrials?
Life forms within Other-Earth would move in all three dimensions like
fish do. Human beings walking on the surface of Earth cannot move upward
through the air like fish in water. Dark plasma is similar to an ocean;
this plasma ocean might not respond to, or be harnessed by, one form of
gravity while still having another kind of minimal gravity.
This involves our gravitons and dark matter’s gravitinos. These two
strange particles are potentially super-symmetrical but help to create
different realities. Other-Earth is Parallel Earth but there are huge
differences in how life-forms perceive and interact with reality itself.
Part One of this article goes into a bit more detail on this.
In 1976, Carl Sagan and Edwin Salpeter proposed that creatures
resembling hot air balloons might exist in Jupiter’s gaseous, ocean-like
atmosphere. They concluded that there might be “sinkers,” “floaters,”
and “hunters.” Other-Earth’s evolutionary chain of life-forms might be
similar to what Sagan and Salpeter proposed for Jupiter. For example,
they postulated that floaters would be giant gas bags generating heat
though their own metabolism, feeding off sunlight and free molecules.
These critters would move through Jupiter’s gaseous ocean by pumping out
As on Earth, the top of the Jupiter evolutionary chain would be the
They might be squid-like creatures which use jets of gas to propel themselves; they might be many kilometers across.
Certainly the plasma “space critters” which Trevor Constable felt were
part of the answer to UFOs in Earth skies, might well connect to this
concept which Sagan and Salpeter proposed for Jupiter. Earth’s visible
plasma forms an ocean-like biosphere in the atmosphere which is subject
to tides and gravitational effects from the Sun, Earth, and Moon.
So how does the dark plasma ocean fit into this well-known ordinary
plasma ocean? Dark plasma simply passes through dense, visible plasma
like a ghost passes through a solid wall. In fact, the dark plasma
bio-sphere has stayed hidden from humankind since both bio-spheres
began, simply because they can pass right through us and our world.
It is a bit more complicated than the fact their molecules are
less-dense, but essentially, that is the crux of it.
In thinking about dark plasma life-forms, we are not forgetting or
negating the ordinary plasma-animals which apparently swim through our
skies and are one source of UFOs.
You might wonder, “Why add this possible dark plasma bio-sphere to an already confusing ordinary plasma bio-sphere?
Well, because our dark plasma halo and its bio-sphere are there. We
can’t ignore the fact that dark matter almost certainly exists and that
Earth has an enormous dark halo composed of this stuff in plasma form.
Also, we can’t ignore the dark plasma bio-sphere because it is difficult
to believe that our ordinary plasma bio-sphere right over heads, has
evolved the advanced intelligence which UFO occupants seem to possess
and which manifests Mother Mary, ghosts, deities, and jinns. It seems
that some realm has advanced so much quicker than we have – and by “we,”
we include our ordinary plasma floaters, sinkers, and hunters – the
space critters.
Of course the implications are enormous and we shouldn’t ignore them,
either: If Earth’s dark halo allowed a bio-sphere of nearly pure
intelligence, unhindered by dense physical bodies and the dense objects
which dense bodies bump into, thus impeding our evolution, then we have
to wonder if the dark matter which gathered “in the beginning” around
other celestial bodies, also developed advanced super-intelligence.
Is the universe full of dark matter beings, using the dark matter
filaments which do indeed stretch throughout the universe as dark
Jay Alfred goes into detail on how and why dark plasma fits the
characteristics of UFOs given in thousands, even millions, of sightings.
If this subject fascinates you, I urge you to read Jay Alfred’s works.
Since this is an article and not a book, I will only give several
intriguing bits of evidence that dark plasma colliding with ordinary
plasma, thus becoming ordinary plasma for a period of time, might be the
source of some of our UFOs:
UFOs display an emission of light and colorful auras: Light seems to
radiate from the entire UFO. Common UFOs descriptions include,
“surrounded with a red glow,” or “wrapped in a blue haze.” This
indicates that the luminosity is not coming from the object but from the
air around it. During the Dark Ionization Process, dark particles
collide with atoms in the air; the air becomes “excited” first by xenon,
the gas of lowest ionization, to gases with higher ionization energies,
colors are generated by these different gases, ionizing.
Brightness and transparency of many UFOs are also explainable by looking
at specifics of the Dark Ionization Process. Ghosts are also
transparent and of a different luminosity than their surroundings.
Ultra-terrestrials would likely never be as solid (dense) as we are;
whatever process they use, makes them visible to us, almost like a
hologram. The fact that UFOs and ghosts stick out visually like sore
thumbs in our bio-sphere indicates possibly that their world is built on
entirely different aspects of light and gravity.
We should consider plasma magnetospheres: They are luminous orbs,
globes, or ovoids of orange or blue or other colors. These are identical
to many UFOs and UAPs spotted at night. Holograms within ordinary
plasma have been created in our laboratories. There is no reason dark
plasma could not function similarly, with dark plasma UFO occupants or
their holograms inside the oval-shaped plasma ship.
Other fascinating tidbits:
Booms and rumbling sounds are thermal shock waves and are often heard
around Marian apparitions such as the Fatima visions. In UFO and ghost
encounters, humans feel they have entered a strange zone where normal
noises do not occur; all goes quiet. Sometimes humans get nauseated
around UFOs and/or paranormal activity as if this strange zone was
really poisonous or alien to human molecules.
Also, residues are sometimes left behind by plasma activity. These
residues include “angel hair,” ectoplasm, and similar weird materials
sometimes found after UFO encounters. Usually these dissipate before
reaching the ground but if the UFO lands or flies very low, angel hair
is sometimes left behind and also, a smell like bitter almond oil is
All of this is consistent with plasma activity. For instance, plasma EM
heat and radiation energies coupled with water and dust create a
substance like angel hair.
Digital cameras sometimes photograph UFOs or ghosts which our naked eye
cannot see. This is a large clue that dark plasma beings, normally
invisible to the human eye, can be “caught” by speedy digital
Being in the presence of a UFO or UFO beings has been known to heal a
human being. On the other hand, humans have been harmed, seemingly
radiated, by UFOs. Experiments in electromagnetic biology show that
magnetic fields can heal but too much of the same force can be damaging
to a human. The Dark Ionization Process would have these energies as
What is truly amazing is that all of these areas combine science and
spirituality! Here we have advanced healing techniques coupled with dark
electromagnetic fields. We have the old Spiritualist Church ectoplasm,
linked with a process of Dark Ionization by highly intelligent
life-forms. We have aliens from Other-Earth traveling in plasma ships or
inserting their own holograms into a plasma ship for a safe observation
of dense Earth.
What are ultra-terrestrials like?
First and foremost, Earth is their planet too! They have obviously
developed their own technologies, which happen to be ahead of ours, but
that is because we are stuck in a very dense world with a lot of gravity
which keeps us down (no pun intended).
Ultra-terrestrials probably live in societies; they have developed these
advanced scientific methods. They originated, in all likelihood, at the
same time we dense life-forms on Visible Earth originated and they
evolved too. However, they evolved faster, under entirely different
circumstances -a different perception of and interaction with reality.
They communicate telepathically because they do not have physical bodies
with mouths and brains. They are simply advanced consciousness swimming
in a plasma ocean of light gravity (lightness). They are dark
bio-plasma and they probably do have some denseness – but not like we
They are as diverse as Visible Earth life-forms, if not more so. There
must be tens of millions of kinds of dark plasma beings, from tiny
“nothings” to basic “floaters” to advanced intelligence who might have
manifested themselves as the gods and goddesses of Old Greece or the
Virgin Mary at Fatima.
The final question: Might this be the realm of soulful consciousness which those who have “near-death” experience tell us about?
If we “lose” our dense physical body, what is left? We are told about
intense colors, entire universal choirs singing magnificent music, a
feeling of all-knowledge at once, a feeling of freedom as never before.
We are told by those who came back from “death,” that they flew, they
glided; they had no specific shape or form. They were One with The
Cosmic All.
I am not getting religious and saying that dark plasma turns out to be
heaven. However, at its best, it might offer a realm where disembodied
consciousness can flourish, a lighter biosphere of advanced
intelligence. If this dark bio-sphere exists, we as spirits might have
come from there, and we might return there. Have our spirits, our
essences, done this throughout the ages?
There would be experience as dense physical beings on rocky visible Earth, and then the return to nearly-weightless lightness.
Perhaps ghosts manifest simply to try to teach us know that
consciousness (the core of life), does go on after “death.” Perhaps UFOs
are shown us, simply to teach us that there is other advanced life in
the universe – a simple lesson – about which we will tell other humans.
Of course there could be a dark side to Other-Earth. I personally feel
that advanced intelligence eliminates the dark boogeymen under the bed,
deletes hell, fire and brimstone from existence because, in truth, it
never did exist. Dense humans dreamed it up to control other dense
humans. However, I could be wrong.
Yes, I have taken the possibility of a dark plasma bio-sphere about as
far as it can be taken by a human who is not a theoretical physicist.
Perhaps I have taken it too far and you want to jump off at some point
along the way. You are welcome to do so.
I can only hope that dark plasma/ultra-terrestrial Other Earth will be
considered as a possible source for UFOs, ghosts, and other strange
beings. I think there is a lot of evidence – many indications – that it
holds some of our answers.
New Dawn magazine has published three fascinating articles by Jay Alfred:
“Dark Plasma & Origin of Angels, Aliens, Deities, and Ghosts” New Dawn Special Issue 7
“Aliens from Dark Earth” New Dawn magazine, May-June 2009
“Plasma Aliens from a Parallel of Earth” New Dawn Special Issue 12
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